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As part of  the Soke Education Trust,  John Clare Primary School follows  the accepted  ‘Admissions Criteria for admissions and Appeals Procedures’ agreed following consultation.

As part of the Soke Education Trust we have a Service Level Agreement with Peterborough City Council for Admissions and Appeals.  For further information  and timescales please use this link  

If you wish to enquire about a school space for your child at John Clare Primary School please contact the Local Authority Admissions Department (01733 864007) who will advise you on how to apply for any places that may be available.

You can find a copy of our School Prospectus on this website.

Click here to visit the admissions page on the LA website where you can find further information and the appropriate forms. We adhere to the LA admissions policy to address starting in Reception, in-year transfers and appeals.

Entry to the Foundation Stage


  • September - Application process for starting in Foundation begins. Opportunity for parents/carers to visit individual schools.
  • October and November - Parents, or prospective parents, visit school by booking on to one of the schools' prospective parent tours
  • Mid-January - National Closing Date - Closing date for completed online applications. We strongly recommend that you do not delay your application to the last minute in case of technical problems. SIFS to have been returned to schools directly.
  • April - Parents that applied online can log onto Peterborough city Council's website from 12.30am to see which school their child has been offered. Allocation information will be published on the Peterborough City Council website. Letters will be posted 2nd class to parents who did not make an online application. No decisions will be made by telephone.
  • Early May - Closing date for parents to either accept or refuse the school place offered. If the parent does not reply, the offer will be withdrawn.
  • June - Parents are invited to attend a new intake presentation where teachers will give an overview into the life of the Foundation Stage classroom. There will also be an opportunity to meet the catering team and members of Sunflower Seeds Childcare (before/ after school club).
  • In June/July - The Foundation teacher will visit feeder nurseries, pre-schools and childminders by appointment and with parental consent.
  • July - Children and their parents are invited to school for a 'taster session'
  • September - Children to start school full or part-time by pre-arrangement

Criteria for Admission

  • Looked after children.
  • Children living in the school’s catchment area.
  • Children who have brothers and sisters in attendance at the school.
  • Children living closest to the school on the shortest available safe walking route.

In-Year Admissions

Children often start school at times other than the Foundation Stage, i.e. if you are moving to the area. In the event of this happening with your child, every effort is made to make you and your family welcome and to make the transition to the new environment as smoothly as possible. Please contact the school if you have any anxieties about your child. You are always welcome at school.

The agreed admissions number for class groups is 20. These totals may only be exceeded if particular circumstances arise.

Appeals Procedure

Any parent of a child not being admitted is entitled to appeal the decision in the first instance to Peterborough City Council followedc the Department for Education (DfE) for reconsideration.

Confirmation of Place

Letters are sent directly to parents from the Admissions Authority, Peterborough City Council

Secondary Transfer

31 October -The first admissions round for secondary school places closes  

March - Offers are sent to parents

31 March - Second round applications close. 

End April -  The outcome will be posted to parents